Sunday 20 February 2011

I'm not crazy, my mother had me tested!

The title is reference to the Bag Bang Theory, I've been watching a lot recently. Debating whether to purchase season 4 because it is just so good.

Not a lot to report, this week has been pretty slow. With my granddad being at home the stress is starting to show. I'm not sure what happened but i think my sister talked back to my granddad (just to be clear on this my sister and I never do this we have so much respect for him that its almost like an unwritten rule. I know this must seem child like but its always been like that). To put it blandly  my mum went ape sh*t and my sister had to stay in her room for the whole afternoon. He goes home in week so it wont be long before I can go downstairs in pjays in the middle of the day and watch movies without squirming if something rude happens.

Book wise I've finished 'the choice' by N.Sparks, inspired by seeing the notebook on DVD.  To be honest I was a bit disappointed. If anyone reads my blogg regular they will know that i usually dedicate a whole entry to a review but this drained me so much that I don't have enough energy. The book left me with the feeling of 'meh'.  Reading Sparks I was expecting a bit more magic after all the hype over him. The book had the feeling of it could have been written by any mills and boons author. I didn't care for the main characters enough and the apparent 'choice'  ( I wont spoil it for you) wasn't shocking, in fact its been used as a soap story line so many times its nearly cliche.   But I'm not giving up I'll give him another shot when I can get my hands on another of his books, as this was the only one they had in my library.

Also reading Chris Bradford's Young Samurai series. I read the first one a while ago and enjoyed it and it was a while before I read the next, and it was probably treble the amount of time when i read the next one. When ever I read these books I aways feel like I'm attempting to go in a cold swimming pool, (I'm not crazy I swear). I don't want to do it, but it will be fine once I'm in. I don't know why its like this, its almost as if I've forgotten how good the series is and don't have the energy to read it. Sometimes I have to trick myself into reading, like when I get into bed and the only book within reach is Young Samurai, so I'll curse and force myself to read it rather than getting out of my warm bed. Now that I've read the third one I assumed that it would be the last one, but to my horror I've found out there are 5 more after this! Poor Jack, he is never going to get home to England.   I also feel tricked, its almost as if I now have to read all of them. Grrrrrrr.

At the moment I'm trying to find  Dear John the movie on my laptop but it seems its not to be. I've seen it before but I just wanted to remind myself .

On my 35th square 109 to go.

Listening to 'With a girl like you' not sure who it is by but its from the Boat that rocked soundtrack.

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